A small description

Make the best out of your PC. Here you can find some nice, useful tips and tricks that can be used to tame your PC. I hope you will find the tricks posted here useful. I have made the language as simple as possible so that it can be understood even by a noob. If you have any queries or want help feel free to question, I will try to shelp you out. If you have any good trick that you want to share with us, please tell us. Your suggetions/comments are always invited.

Google translate

October 27, 2008

Pop up a msg on start up

This Trick pops up a Message Box on Start Up !

** You Must Have Administrator Privileges !


type: regedit

This will open the ' Registry Editor ' !



Now, on the right hand side :

Right Click>New>String Value

Name it : LegalNoticeCaption

Now, double click it and in value data feild write the text that you want in the title of the Message Box !

Now Again : 

Right Click>New>String Value

Name it : LegalNoticeText

Now, double click it and in value data feild write the text that you want to display in the Message Box !


Use registry editor carefully. Make a back up of the registry before carrying out any tweaks, this can be done by using the export feature from the file menu.

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