A small description

Make the best out of your PC. Here you can find some nice, useful tips and tricks that can be used to tame your PC. I hope you will find the tricks posted here useful. I have made the language as simple as possible so that it can be understood even by a noob. If you have any queries or want help feel free to question, I will try to shelp you out. If you have any good trick that you want to share with us, please tell us. Your suggetions/comments are always invited.

Google translate

December 31, 2008

give ur title 2 internet explorer

Give a uniqueness to your internet explorer give it your name.

Run gpedit.msc

go to user configuration>windows settings>internet explorer maintainance

then go to browser user interface>browser title

select the customize text box and enter ur title n press OK

now titlte bar will be in the form of..............
microsoft internet explorer provided by (ur title)

This trick will not be available for vista users as to open group policy editor in vista is not that easy. I will be giving the trick how to open gpedit in vista soon.

Look google search images are flying

This trick will make the images searched fly.
1. Go to Google.com
2. Click images Tab
3. Type "flowers" or any other word.
4. You will get a page which is having full of images
5. Then delete the item from the address bar ( the place where u type website addresses) and paste the below code in it and press enter. To stop simply close the tab or window.

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i < dis="DI[" position="'absolute';" left="Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;" top="Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5);">

December 30, 2008

Remove read-only from all files in a folder

After copying a bunch of files to your Windows PC from a CD or DVD, you may discover that all the copied files carry the read-only flag. The most obvious way to remove the read-only flag from a file is to right-click on its icon, choose “Properties”, and uncheck the “Read-only” box. But what if you have hundreds, or even thousands of files marked read-only?

You can remove these read-only flag from multiple files using the attrib command from a command prompt. The Windows Command Line site has a tutorial on commands everyone can use, which includes an explanation of performing this task with the attrib command. The section on the attrib command is titled “Changing file attributes with ‘attrib’”, and is located about three quarters of the way down the page.

In short, first open the command prompt, press Ctrl+R and in the run box type cmd and enter. Navigate to their folder from a command prompt and type attrib -r ./*.* /s. For example if you want to do that for images, type this: attrib -r ./*.jpg /s.

Keyboard types over other words

Sometimes you may see that the words you are typing are being typed over the letters on the right of the cursor.

People frequently press the “Insert” key by accident, which puts your computer into a different mode of input. In this mode, everything you input is typed over anything that already exists to the right of the cursor.

The input mode you are used to inserts characters at the cursor and forces everything to the right over once space. Pressing the “Insert” key switches between these two input modes.

Find the “Insert” key on your keyboard. It is usually located to the right of the “Backspace” key, above the arrow keys. Press “Insert” once. Resume typing.

December 29, 2008

COM surrogate has stopped working

I personally got this problem, and after a bit of surfing on other sites, I found some ways to fix this problem. This usually happens when you browse a folder full of video or some media files and computer throws a dialogue box saying "COM surrogate has stopped working".

The reason behind this is the codecs and other COM components installed by various programs that aren't fully Vista-compatible, like some versions of DivX or Nero.

There are a number of possible solutions and the right solution for you would depend upon what software is actually causing the problem. DivX and Nero are the most well-known problem causing software.


  • If using DivX, upgrade it to latest version(6.8+)
  • If using Nero, upgrade to its latest version(9+)
  • You can also disable Thumbnail previews, it will surely make the problem go away but its not an optimal solution.
  • Use a new codec pack http://ffdshow-tryout.sourceforge.net/
  • If you'd like to uninstall Nero entirely, there is a utility that they provide to help with complete uninstall that helps a lot in instances where you have a bad installation of an older version. http://www.nero.com/nero7/eng/FAQs_Nero7_NeroVision.html
  • Some users have recommended installing the Vista Codec Package in order to update all your codecs to the correct versions. I can't confirm that this works because I have not tried it myself. As always, be careful when installing unknown components and create a restore point.
  • You can use the very useful MMCompView free utility from Nirsoft to disable any codecs on the system. This is very useful to help troubleshoot exactly which component is causing the problem.
  • Use DEP
    Right click on Computer, and choose Properties
    Click on Advanced System Settings, and then under Advanced, click Settings
    Select the "Data Execution Protection" tab, and then click Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select?
    Click on the Add button, and then browse to C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe as shown
    Click Open, and then OK.

This should solve your problems.

"Disk is full/Not Enough Space" error even though space is available

Many of us must have encountered a situation, that while copying some files above 4gb, the windows informs that "Disk is full or Not enough space" and we shockingly check its properties which tell us something different.

The reason behind this problem is : FAT/FAT32, the default file system most portable hard disks are formatted with, do not support files larger than 4gb. Any attempt to transfer a file larger than this limit results in the "Disk is full" error. Thankfully after a bit of research i found out a way to change the formatting of a storage drive without actual format.

Some points to note though:
1) If you are using a portable media player, check to see that your player supports the NTFS file system. Sorry to say, but Ipod users, like me are out of luck, as the firmware does not support NTFS.
2) Conversion is a one-way format, meaning that once you make the switch to NTFS, you cannot go back to FAT/FAT 32.

If you are ready to make the jump to NTFS, follow these instructions, extracted from the Microsoft knowledge base.

How to convert a FAT volume or a FAT32 volume to NTFS
Note This method doesn't includes backing up your data and then again loading on that. The chance of data loss are minimal but I would recommend you backup your data before carrying out this method.

To convert an existing FAT or FAT32 volume to NTFS, follow these steps:
1. Click Ctrl+R to bring up run command, then type cmd and press enter, which will open command prompt for you.

2. At the command prompt, type the following, where drive letter is the drive that you want to convert (Read cmd tutorial to understand, how to change the drive):
convert drive letter: /fs:ntfs
For example, type the following command to convert drive E to NTFS:
convert e: /fs:ntfs
Note If the operating system is on the drive that you are converting, you will be prompted to schedule the task when you restart the computer because the conversion cannot be completed while the operating system is running. When you are prompted, click YES.

3. When you receive the following message at the command prompt, type the volume label of the drive that you are converting, and then press ENTER:
The type of the file system is FAT.
Enter the current volume label for drive drive letter

4. When the conversion to NTFS is complete, you receive the following message at the command prompt:
Conversion complete

5. Quit the command prompt.

and now try transferring that files.

December 28, 2008


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December 27, 2008

Move your cursor without mouse

This is a very old and popular trick but recently I found out that many of my friends doesn't know about this feature. This feature may be used when you don't have a mouse or simply if your cat has swallowed up your mouse (just kiddin'). Though the well known Tab key may help you that time but everyone knows how hard is to work with that key. Now this tip will show you how to operate the mouse cursor without a mouse using the 'mousekeys'

Follow the given steps to activate the keyboard mouse:

First, of all you would need an account with administrative rights.

To activate this feature, press Alt+Shift+NumLock keys. A small MouseKey box will pop up.

Alternatively, you can navigate via:
Start -> All program -> Accessories -> Accessibility -> Accessibility Wizard

Click on Settings button if you need to adjust the mouse cursor detail settings.

After which, you will be presented with a dialog box and now you can manage all your "mouse settings" to adjust the acceleration and speed.

Controls for mouse corsor after mousekeys enabled:
-> 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 keys are used to move the mouse cursor into different
-> Key 5 is used as left click button.
-> Insert key used to hold down mouse button.
-> + Sign used to double click on any object.
-> Delete button used to release the mouse.
-> Click on NumLock button to disable this keyboard mouse feature.

That should solve your temporary need for a mouse. Cool na??

December 22, 2008

Cannot open a drive due to "Access is denied" message?

There is a virus (I can't recall which one), which prevents you from accessing your drives. Usually this happens to all the drives at once. It uses the autorun command. Now you will think it can be deleted manually, but the main part is it is hidden and if try to activate 'show hidden files' then you are wrong because it again deactivates that function and you can't see the file. To delete that file you have to do this

start>Run=type "CMD" without quotes and press enter.

follow these:

1. go to C:\ by typing C:\>cd c:\
2. type C:\>attrib -S -H -R autorun.inf
3. delete the file by typing C:\>del autorun.inf
4. goto drive D: by typing C:\>d:
5. repeat step 1,2 and 3 for all your drives (say you have C,D,E,F).
6. Close the DOS command window
7. Open task manager and "end task" the explorer.exe in the processes tab (don't worry about the blank screen)
8. From Application Tab in taskManager, select "new Task" button, type "explorer.exe"

Delete particular url from IE history

This is a simple trick I think most of us know but it may sound good for newbies or whoever don't have a idea about this trick. No need to delete complete history and type repeated url s again next time just for the sake of removing specific URL .

Go to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs

in the right pane you'll see the urls .. jus delete the one which you don't want to appear again in IE add bar.


Use registry editor carefully. Make a back up of the registry before carrying out any tweaks.

Clicking AVI Files causing 100% CPU Usage

Well windows seem to have a REALLY big problem when it comes to reading AVI files. It seems that when you click on an AVI file in explorer, it'll try to read the entire AVI file to determine the width,height, etc. of the AVI file (this is displayed in the Properties window). Now the problem with Windows is that if you have a broken/not fully downloaded AVI file that doesnt contain this info, Windows will scan the entire AVI file trying to figure out all these properties which in the process will probably cause 100% CPU usage and heavy memory usage.

To solve this problem all you have to do is the following:

1. Open up regedit
2. Goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.avi\shellex\PropertyHandler
3. Delete the "Default" value which should be "{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}"

Voila! Please not that this will no longer provide you with the windows properties displaying the AVI file information such as width, height, bitrate etc. But its a small price to pay for saving you resources.


Use registry editor carefully. Make a back up of the registry before carrying out any tweaks.

Basics to Command Prompt

How to open command prompt:
Press ctrl+R to open up run command
Type 'cmd' and press enter to open the command prompt window.

To go UP:
Type 'cd..' and press enter

For example: If command prompt is showing
C:\Users\(username)> Type 'cd..' and press enter
now it will show

To open a directory:
Type 'cd filename' and press enter

For example:To open 'Users' directory located in C:\ drive
Type 'cd users' and press enter
Now it will show

To delete a directory:
Type 'del filename' and press enter

For example: To delete 'xyz.exe' located in C:\ drive
Type 'del xyz.exe' and press enter

To change the drive:
Type 'drive letter:'

For examle: To change the drive to D:\
Type 'D:' and press enter.
And now it will show 'D:\>'

Exporting a registry

We all know tweaking with registry is so much fun. But if this tweaking is done improperly, it may cause some programs to malfunction. So Play Safe, make a backup copy of registry before carrying out any of the tweaks.

Exporting the registry(making a back up copy):
First press ctrl+R to open up Run command.
Now type 'regedit' (without quotes) and press enter.
In the registry editor screen, file>export.
Select 'export range' as all and save it as .reg

Now carry out any tweaks you want and in the middle if anything goes wrong simply import the file you have saved.

Importing the registry:
Simply open the .reg file you have saved.
or, in the registry editor click file>import and select he file you want to import.

December 21, 2008

i want to hide my files in an image

So, even you want to hide your files, but with some extra privacy. This method will hide your files in an image. Though the image will look the same but its size will increase to the size of your files.
 1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. For the sake of this demonstration, I will be using C:\New Folder
-The image will hereby be referred to in all examples as fluffy.jpg
-The file will hereby be referred to in all examples as New Text Document.txt

2. Add the file/files you will be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this will be referred to as (secret.rar)

3. Open command prompt by going to Start > Run > cmd

4. In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where your two files are by typing
cd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder][see cmd tutorial for more details on how to use cmd]

5. Type [copy /b fluffy.jpg + secret.rar fluffy.jpg] (I ahve used brackets to differentiate the texts, don't use brackets)

Congrats, as far as anyone viewing is concerned, this file looks like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and is a JPEG, yet it now contains your file.

In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take

a) Change the file extension from fluffy.jpg to fluffy.rar, then open and your file is there.
b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there. 

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December 20, 2008

Do not install kb931573 update

Well every pirated vista user is saying samething"Do not install kb931573 update". Let's talk something about this update, this update actually says
 "Install this update to resolve an issue where you may be prompted to activate a pre-installed copy of Windows Vista. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer"
but it actually deactivates the pirated vistas and gives a 30 days notice to re-activate. And as usual this effort went waste, as these users are simply not installing this update. And by mistake if anyone install it, they simply use some cracks to re-activate without spendng even a single penny.
And as usual I would recommend everyone to use a genuine microsoft and even other softwares. Don't use pirated ones.